Welcome to my simple but brutally effective routine for shoulders, based on ATG principles.

In my opinion, these are the four best exercises for weak and/or injured shoulders. Better still, they can be used to correct muscular imbalances and improve anterior pushing strength (eg. a heavier bench press).

Unlike a lot of conventional bodybuilder-type shoulder exercises, these specifically target the posterior (the back side) of the joint, which is often much weaker than the front, relatively speaking.

The goal for each of these exercises is to able to perform 3 sets of at least 8 controlled reps using a dumbell that’s 10% of body weight (per hand). Excepting the pullover, this can be done with a heavier relative weight given you have access to the full range of motion with NO pain.

You can complete the exercises in straight sets (one after the other), or using supersets if you’re pushed for time.

i.e. 3 x Pullover ↔️* Trap-3 Raise Then 3 x External Rotation ↔️* Powell Raise

*arrows represent switching exercises with little to no rest

Neither is ‘better’ than the other, whatever method allows you to get the reps in is what counts.

Completing this circuit a minimum of 3 times per week is recommended for beginners.





The demonstrated exercises all have body weight variations, so don’t worry if you find these too difficult or painful. Remember… never push through pain!

Simply reach out and I’ll get you sorted with some easier alternatives.
